Weapons Locker for
Fortunes of War
Combat Primer
Action Clarification
Target difficulty rating is determined before attacks.
Modern Weapon Clarification
All Ranged Attacks: Target number to strike is based on range difficulty.
BlasTech Industries DH-17 blaster pistol
Requisite Skill: Blaster: blaster pistol
Weight: 1 kg
Overall Length: 46 cm
Effective Range: 120 meters
Damage: 4D
Payload: 500 shot power pack
Cost: 550 credits
Commonly used by Alderaan troops
BlasTech Industries DL-44 heavy blaster pistol
Requisite Skill: Blaster: blaster pistol
Weight: 1.3 kg
Overall Length: 29 cm
Effective Range: 50 meters
Damage: 5D
Payload: 25 shot power pack
Cost: 750 credits
BlasTech Industries E-11 blaster rifle
Requisite Skill: Blaster: blaster rifle
Weight: 4.5 kg (2.6 kg w/o stock)
Overall Length: 48.1 cm (w/o stock)
Effective Range: 300 meters
Damage: 5D
Payload: 100 shot power pack
Cost: 1000 credits
Standard issue weapon for Imperial Stormtroopers
nova crystals
Valuable and sought after gemstones used as currency on the Outer Rim, commonly crafted into valuable jewelry.
Possess the unnatural ability to amplify light, leading to applications in optics and photonics industries
When exposed to heat as little as bright sunlight, crystal begin to slow with enough lumens to be used as a light source.
In its natural form, excessive heat can lead to spontaneous combustive explosions when suddenly vibrated.
Cost: 30,000 credits per 5 carats/1 gm
Items Some Consider To Be Unnatural
Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber
Lost after his defeat from Darth Vader, this Jedi weapon is imbued with the power of the Force than a traditional lightsaber.
May only be activated by individuals who have Force dice.
Does 6D damage, compared to 5D damage from standard lightsaber.
"BlasTech Industries DH-17 blaster pistol" by Matthieu Fraccaro, "BlasTech Industries DL-44 heavy blaster pistol" by Charles Cloutier, "BlasTech Industries E-11 blaster rifle" by Chris Quenzer, "nova crystals" by RPG Dynamite, Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber by Wilhelm Fink
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