Important NPCs of

Cursed Earth

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Important NPCs of Cursed Earth

There are several NPCs who are important to the Sins of the Past campaign. These characters have a unique relationship with the PCs; some are allies, some are antagonists. Each NPC has a clear motivation which impacts motivations in the campaign. While all NPCs allow for the flavor of any campaign, only the NPCs listed below have had a clear impact upon the characters as reoccurring opportunities to move the plot along or distinct personalities which left an impression upon the players.

Sacrafit Ryan Adair (AKA Prifit Ryan Aidem)

Human male lawful evil cleric of Hextor 1/ crusader of Hextor 11

"Prifit Ryan Aidem" was first contacted through Erolin Kashtitlan, to acquire their services in retrieving several holy relics of Obad-Hai, stolen by Cragnar. The three items were a gold censor, an ornate bronze candle holder, and a small gold box holding ashes, which Aidem indicated were highly valued within the church. The Silver Blades retrieved the items, but found them to be crude replicas, serving as a method of transporting the questionable red powder; this is somehow linked to the church of Hextor as the containers retrieved bore the mark of the particular religion. Later, Arianna recognized Aidem not as a cleric of Obad-Hai, but as a crusader of Hextor and slew him outside of Marsaic, near a forgotten temple of Hextor.


Gnoll male chaotic neutral fighter 5/ warrior 1

Alwug is a gnoll warrior who was saved from the Blood Mast pirates by Edgar Koribayed and members of the Silver Blades. Indebted to them for their kindness, he initially expected to repay them through servitude. Instead, he has been treated as Edgar's "battle brother". Alwug and Omega have had several conflicts regarding who is superior, but they have put these issues behind them more recently. Through his adventures with the Silver Blades, he was once killed by a pack of wyverns, but was raised by Edgar later.

Loban Anomach

Human male chaotic evil cleric of the Patient One 9

Loban Anomach is a minion of Zur, who attempted assassination of Baron Adoben Chorster was thwarted by the Silver Blades. As a priest of the Patient One, Anomach and his followers sought to eliminate Chorster, allowing Zur to increase his influence in the barony. Although he was captured, he somehow escaped custody and made his way back to the Temple of Zur.

Black Dog Guard

Mercenary company (chaotic evil)

The Black Dog Guard is a large group of human mercenaries who have pledge allegiance to Zur. Their primary responsibility is to protect Zur’s temple area, as well as organize his bugbears into a more effective fighting force. They are led by Salazar Ghint with Danal Mitburr as his second in command, and Galiron Silco as his third in command.

Blood Mast Pirates

Mercenary company (chaotic evil)

The Blood Mast pirates are a seafaring group of brigands operating in the Bay of Valderin. Along with acts of piracy, they have been known to sell captives to slave traders from Melekure. Several members of the Silver Blades were captured by the pirates, and were imprisoned in a keep on Brinereef Island. Their leader, Matlor Shyen, fled the island with Jayleen Ruphrus and members of the Ripped Flesh gang when the pirates were overrun by members of the Silver Blades


Bugbear (undead) male chaotic evil fighter 5

Bonafazz was the second in command to Zur and the bugbear forces around Zur's temple. Bonafazz had great influence among the Black Dog Guard, and was instrumental in their organizing and training of the bugbear forces into a more coherent army.

Brotherhood of the Vorpal Tusk

Paramilitary organization (lawful evil)

The Brotherhood of the Vorpal Tusk is a paramilitary organization centered in the barony of Fanderword. The group’s area of influence is primarily in southwest Valderin, although knights of the order have been seen as far north as Aspenbrook. The chain of command is separated in different ranks: hoof (knight-errant), tooth (knight), tusk (commander), and gore-lord (knight of highest rank). Although heralded as heroes for those they protest, the group is largely intolerant of non-human races. Encounters with the Silver Blades have indicated the order has been infected by the mysterious “black blood” corruption, which has plagued various groups.


Young Adult Blue Dragon male lawful evil

He attacked the Silver Blades as they traveled through the Thuciend Forest to find the hidden location of Zur’s temple. After besting the party, he was overheard speaking demonstratively to the remaining bugbear force, admonishing them for failing Zur by allowing the Silver Blades to escape. Soon afterwards, the Silver Blades encountered Brunire again, but this time in his lair. Unable to take flight and forced to fight in confined quarters, he was killed while protecting the entrance to Zur's temple..

Meen Carceright

Human male neutral wizard 9

Meen Carceright is a elder wizard in Yorkwater, and the associate of Darsiff Larwood. Carceright's men kidnapped Tharin Overkill by mistake, thinking he was Adimarch Verbane; a wizard who supposedly had the secret of reversing the aging process. Both Carceright and Larwood soon learned Overkill was a duplicate of Verbane, and released him. In order to make amends, Carceright has been forthcoming on information needed by the Silver Blades.

Martin Charrington

Human male neutral evil aristocrat 6

Martin Charrington was the head of the glass merchants in Saltmarsh who had a longstanding grudge with members of the Mordwand. After having his life interrupted by the actions of the Silver Blades, Charrington hired several mercenaries of questionable character to pose as the Silver Blades, in order to besmirch their good name as well as eliminate several adversaries (real or imagined). His plan fell apart when the Silver Blades destroyed their counterparts, as well as provided evidence to Baron Chorster of Charrington’s crimes. He is currently incarcerated at Saltmarsh, while waiting for trial.

Baron Adoben Chorster

Human male lawful neutral aristocrat 7

Baron Chorster is the ruler over the barony of Thuciend. Arianna received a vision from Kord that protection of his life would necessary for the continuation of Kord’s influence in Yorkwater. The Silver Blades saved his life after foiling an assassination attempt by followers of Zur. Chorster prompted the Silver Blades to deal with Zur, in order to protect the barony.

Radimar Cordia

Half-Elf male lawful neutral ranger 6/ justicar 10

Radimar Cordia and Besk Durltar are a bounty hunter team specializing in bringing hard to catch criminals to justice. The Silver Blades first encountered Besk on Brinereef Island as he allowed himself to become prisoner of the Blood Mast pirates in order to get closer to Jayleen Ruphrus, believing this would lead him to Naxo Tantara. Radimar’s plan for his partner was compromised when Jayleen murdered Besk with the help of the Ripped Flesh gang. Edgar Koribayed returned Besk’s body to Celesthem, paying for his resurrection. Besk fled upon returning to life, but later returned the favor as he was instrumental in saving Omega’s life from an ambush from the Serpent’s Tooth. After Alwug’s death and an exchange of information in Saltmarsh, Radimar helped Alwug to be raised, clearing the slate for both the duo and the Silver Blades.

Mickey Cornsyrup

Human male chaotic neutral ranger 8

Mickey Cornsyrup is a ranger in employ for the Tigid family, just as his ancestors have done for many years. Lyran Tigid ordered him to track and follow Edgar Koribayed to ensure his safety while traveling through the lands of Valderin. Cornsyrup is devoted to the Tigid family, never questioning their motives, although it has been wondered if he does this blindly.

Bela Coy

Human female chaotic evil fighter 1/ ranger 2/ blackguard of Demogorgon 15

Bela Coy is an associate of Victor Plumdoor and a member of the Ophes-treum. She has had several non-confrontational encounters with members of the Silver Blades. The most notable one is when she roughed up Edgar Koribayed during an intimate evening encounter.

Cragnar (aka Beautalez Harshain)

Half-Elf male chaotic evil fighter 1/ sorcerer 8

Known to the mountain ogres as "The Bone Man", Cragnar is a bandit lord who preys upon merchant caravans in the barony of Conderight, near the Massif of Pantreath. His brigandism became known to the Silver Blades when the group was hired by Father Ryan Aidem to reclaim several lost religious items of the priesthood of Obad-Hai. Cragnar was tracked down to the town of Fulmont, and his operation was compromised when the Silver Blades found his lair. However, Cragnar himself was never found, although strong evidence pointed this was an secret alias used by a local merchant named Beautalez Harshain. Beautalez is a wealthy merchant in Fulmont, specializing in general exports. While hunting for Cragnar in the Massif of Pantreath, the Silver Blades speculated that Beautalez was his alter ego. When last seen, he was under investigation by representatives of the duke, based on the information provided by the Silver Blades.

Besk Durltar

Half-Orc male neutral fighter 1/ scout 3/ bloodhound 3

Radimar Cordia and Besk Durltar are a bounty hunter team specializing in bringing hard to catch criminals to justice. The Silver Blades first encountered Besk on Brinereef Island as he allowed himself to become prisoner of the Blood Mast pirates in order to get closer to Jayleen Ruphrus, believing this would lead him to Naxo Tantara. Radimar’s plan for his partner was compromised when Jayleen murdered Besk with the help of the Ripped Flesh gang. Edgar Koribayed returned Besk’s body to Celesthem, paying for his resurrection. Besk fled upon returning to life, but later returned the favor as he was instrumental in saving Omega’s life from an ambush from the Serpent’s Tooth. After Alwug’s death and an exchange of information in Saltmarsh, Radimar helped Alwug to be raised, clearing the slate for both the duo and the Silver Blades.

Wigland Durtin

Human male chaotic neutral fighter 14

Wigland Durtin (also known as Mylor Larakti) is middle-aged fighter and the last surviving member of the Santo Koribayed’s Folding Circle. Having fled the battle site of the Folding Circle and the Heroes of the North, Wigland changed his name and soon became a drunkard living in Celesthem. Looking for information about his father, Edgar Koribayed stumbled upon Durtin (as Larakti) and convinced him to restart his life. Durtin now has a renewed vigor, and is searching for ways to reform the Folding Circle.

The Elegant Ones

Mercenary company (neutral)

Barnaby Olleh, Cornelius Yllod, and Chania Hackle are the Elegant Ones, a mercenary company that came across the Silver Blades in Eshelvadon. Although non-confrontational at the encounter, the members of the Elegant Ones made veiled threats and overtures of how the group would be responsible for cashing in on a bounty for the Silver Blades.

Madaline Estasian

Human female lawful good aristocrat 1

Daughter of a Celesthem cattle magnate, young Madaline Estasian hired the Silver Blades to track down and capture her father’s murderer, Fidrian Seepwater. She chose to take the law into her own hand by hiring the group, when she was impressed by the reputation of Arianna. Although she is young, she stays in Celesthem, overseeing her estate under the advice of the family executor.

The False Blades

Mercenary Company (neutral evil)

Nicknamed as such for their crimes, this group caused chaos and terror throughout Valderin by impersonating the Silver Blades. Most were already wanted for various crimes: Worad Whitebrood, Pachen Whitebrood, Richard Traiten, Ponius Tone, Boydin Lashcraw, Cynenthia Upcord, and Marisia Ampleglade. Created by Martin Charrington, the purpose of the group was to despoil the reputation of the Silver Blades, as well as eliminate several individuals who enemies of Charrington. The group was finally tracked to Malvarin, while hiding out at the boarding house of Mary Traiten (Richard’s mother) after robbing a gold shipment from the royal exchequer. The real Silver Blades got their revenge by chasing down and killing the False Blades as they tried to escape.

Abelard Foedren

Human male neutral good ranger 9

Abelard Foedren is an aged ranger hailing from Saltmarsh, which Edgar Koribayed has been used several times to negotiate the Saltmarsh swamp. With his insight, the Silver Blades have found his services invaluable when teammates with tracking skills are unavailable. Koribayed arranged to meet Foedren in Kentfasser at the first of spring, wanting an investigation of the movements of the Sons of Koribayed, and has not seen him since.

Wilson Frisk II

Human male chaotic evil rogue 5/ mastermind 15

Grandson of one of the original crime families to form on Gantara, Wilson Frisk III is the morbidly obese leader of the Lotus Syndicate, the thieves’ guild of Aspenbrook. He is remarkably well-aged and many suspect he goes to great lengths to extend his lifespan by currying favor with those in power, while quickly eliminating his enemies. Frisk assisted the Silver Blades in the hunt for Cragnar, while looking to gain an ally in Edgar Koribayed.


Lizardfolk male neutral warrior 7

As tribal chief of the lizardfolk of the swamps of Saltmarsh, Frothix is master of his territory, attempting to maintain peaceful relations with the nearby humans and repel any invading bugbears armies. Edgar Koribayed sought out Frothix to ally with him in order to build his power base in the area. The Silver Blades have reinforced Frothix’s reign by helping eliminate the “bad water” that has been causing madness among his people.

Damlegan Gault

Outsider male chaotic neutral bard 5/ rogue 5/ ur-priest 10

Damlegan is currently being sought by several individuals and groups regarding his activities in Valderin. He is the leader of the Ophes-Treum, whose true motives have yet to be revealed. The only glimpse of his visage came when Edgar Koribayed used a summoned raven to invade a private manor house, to see him speaking with a servant through an enchanted mirror.

Eridrifen Gruinor

High Elf male neutral evil druid 20

Eridrifen is an elven druid first seen in one of Arianna’s visions from Kord. Questions have arisen about his connection with the “bad water” in the Saltmarsh swamp and the abyssal cysts that have appeared throughout the region. In exchange for the Silver Blades’ assistance, Vosler Truemper agreed to arrange a meeting with Eridrifen and Edgar Koribayed.

Moendria Isimar

Human female chaotic neutral favored soul of Olidamara 4

Moendria was one of the original prisoners of the Blood Mast pirates, captured and taken to Brinereef Island. During the jail break and the ensuing combat, she came forward to heal Tharin in the middle of combat, later indicating she was favored soul of Olidamara. She died when the Silver Blades rebuffed a bugbear ambush outside of Celesthem. Tharin interred her body with the priests at the Temple of the Laughing Rouge.

Erolin Kashtitlan

Human male lawful evil aristocrat 5

Erolin Kashtitlan is a wealthy merchant from Celesthem, who placed a death contract on Simeon Sandflinger for stealing a diamond from him. When the Silver Blades got involved in the situation, Kathtitlan was talked out of asking for the death of Simeon, by having the Silver Blades perform a favor instead. This later deal introduced Father Ryan Aidem to the Silver Blades, being brought in to renew the favor in question.

Dante Koribayed

Human male chaotic evil barbarian 6/ fighter 8

Dante is supposedly the son of Santo Koribayed, although this has not been independently verified. He is the leader of the group of bandits/mercenaries called the Sons of Koribayed. Edgar has engaged Dante in a less than brotherly relationship. Dante has been known to leave his second in command in charge of his group, allowing him to engage in other ventures.

Darsiff Larwood

Human male neutral wizard 9

Darsiff Larwood is a elder wizard in Yorkwater, and the associate of Meen Carceright. Larwood's men kidnapped Tharin Overkill by mistake, thinking he was Adimarch Verbane; a wizard who supposedly had the secret of reversing the aging process. Both Carceright and Larwood soon learned Overkill was a duplicate of Verbane, and released him. Larwood continues his research, hoping to find youth before age catches up with him.

Orined LeVand

Human male lawful evil ex-paladin of Heironeous 6/ blackguard of the Patient One 2

Orined LeVand is proxy lord mayor of Pollspire, taking the place of recently deceased Erasmus Markright. Although he resides over the citizens of Pollspire, he takes residence in Saeker Keep to the east of town. Saeker Keep was the site investigated by Cartu, as he sought out his family’s heirlooms that were lost when he was younger. Most of LeVand’s day to day duties as lord mayor are performed by Yonshi Lesk, the town’s constable and head of Saeker Keep’s guardsmen. Later, he was found in the employ of Damlegan Gault and the Ophes-treum.

Warwick Miomar

Human male chaotic neutral fighter 17

Associating the power of Santo Koribayed with his son, Warwick has recently joined Edgar Koribayed for the chance of glory, as a loyal follower. Warwick has proved a competent fighter in battle, and has worked in tandem with Alwug to provide support for Edgar’s tactics on the battlefield. Other than his loyalty to Edgar, little is known about his background.

LeTaxi Motocar

Human male neutral wizard 11

Renowned for his ability to teleport individuals and groups from one location to another, he is seconded by his twin brother LeCab. Several times through the course of the campaign, the Silver Blades relied upon this specialist wizard to get this from one point on Gantara to another.

The Ophes-treum

Followers of Damlegan Gault (chaotic neutral)

The Ophes-treum is a group created by Damelgan Gault whose motives have not yet been made clear. Membership of the group includes Bela Coy and Victor Plumdoor, both who have questionable character. However, the group also includes Cimyll Tersed, who Arianna found to be a devout worshipper of Kord.

Syme Parsons

Human male neutral ranger 5

Syme is a deceased ranger who assisted the Silver Blades in their search for Castle Alderman in the Galunid Forest, having already led Joran's friends to the location leading to their disappearance. Before he was hired by the party, he was subjected to a few instances of interrogation and humiliation since he associated himself with the Serpent's Tooth mercenary company. He was a solid ranger, who died in battle while distracting a crazed bugbear, allowing Lilith Grace and Ruin to escape.

Victor Plumdoor

Human male chaotic evil rogue 4/ assassin 4/ thrall of Demogorgon 8

An associate of Bela Coy, Victor Plumdoor is suspected to be associated with the Ophes-treum and is not held in high regard with the Silver Blades. One noticeable trait is the scarring over his left eye, leaving a distinct discoloration. Although several minor encounters hardly registered him as a threat, Arianna came close to being physically assaulted by him in his bedchambers before she was able to escape. Later, she struck him down as the Silver Blades looked to confront Damlegan Gault.

Daryn Ronakin

Human male neutral good cleric 3

Prifit Daryn is a priest of Pelor, assigned by the Temple of Aurosian in Yorkwater to accompany the Silver Blades north into the Thuciend Forest to deal with the threat of Zur. Daryn is a young priest, lacking a zeal for combat and has found more of a use for his specialty in the healing arts.

Jayleen Ruphrus

Human female neutral evil rogue 5/ assassin 1

A female with extremely questionable associates, Jayleen was first seen on Blood Mast island attempting to purchase several of the Silver Blades as slaves, then was seen decapitating Besk while working with members of the Ripped Flesh gang. Rumor has it she is one of Naxo Tantara’s consorts (a reason to flee from Besk), but was last seen working as a chambermaid in the employ of Erolin Kashtitlan.

Simeon Sandflinger

Rock Gnome male neutral rouge 3/ bard 2

Simeon underestimated how much trouble he would be in when casually picking pockets in the Celesthem market place. His life became much more complicated when he found a fist-sized diamond belonging to Erolin Kashtitlan, and a dead-or-alive bounty was quickly issued. Being hunted down by the Serpent’s Tooth, Simeon found protection under the religion of Kord in the town of Wycliff, allying himself to the Silver Blades. After recovering the diamond from Castle Alderman, Simeon’s bounty was lifted and he departed from the group when the party returned to Celesthem.

Fidrian Seepwater

Human male neutral evil warrior 4

Fidrian Seepwater is the once employee, turned murderer of Wilsher Estasian of Celesthem. He fled to the barony of Fanderword, and hid out with his friends from the Welker Gang. The Silver Blades tracked him down, and returned him to Celesthem, where he was executed for his crimes.

The Serpent's Tooth

Mercenary Company (neutral evil)

Nirag Proogle, Digna Moncrieffe, Steblin Rinshay, and Tulgase Quatre are the Serpent’s Tooth, an unscrupulous band of mercenaries who usually work for the highest bidder. The Silver Blades first encountered them searching for Simeon Sandflinger, hoping to accomplish a bounty for Erolin Kashtitlan. Later, when the bounty was resolved by the Silver Blades, the group baited Omega into an ambush in Saltmarsh, and nearly succeeded in killing him, if not for the timely arrival of Radimar and Besk.

The Sons of Koribayed

Mercenary Company (chaotic neutral)

Led by Dante Koribayed, the Sons of Koribayed are an anarchist group bent upon causing chaos in the Grand Duchy of Valderin, hoping to get paid along the way. Only Dante claims to be associated with the Koribayed bloodline. The Silver Blades were able to spring a trap in order to eliminate most of the group, although Dante and several other key members were missing. The several surviving members have recently arrived in Saltmarsh to answer for the many charges made against them.

Baron Thoroar Strifelen

Human male lawful neutral aristocrat 7

Baron Strifelen is the ruler over the barony of Galunid. He first came into contact with the Silver Blades when he sought their capture in conjunction with the death of his nephew by the hands of the fake Silver Blades. After having their names cleared, the Silver Blades were hired as the "arm of the baron", taking care of the various needs of Galunid.

Sheriff Bergas Thornhild

Human male neutral good fighter 7/ aristocrat 7

Bergas Thornhild is the Sheriff of Valderin, and is the chief military officer of the duchy. His primary responsibility is to interact with the Clerk of the Chamber, the Lord Privy Seal, and the Treasurer Royal, so the rule of Duke Stonda is unhindered. In the absence of the duke, Thornhild acts as the “deputy overlord” in his place. Thornhild is a quiet, but righteous follower of Kord, and was instrumental in arranging for the escape of the Silver Blades with many captured or under observation in Fulmont.

Lord Lyran Tigid

Human male neutral evil aristocrat 13

Lyran Tigid is a powerful merchant in Alendar, and a former ally of Santo Koribayed. Tigid has taken a fondness for Edgar Koribayed, and has made generous overtures to him to make the same alliance once held by his father. To Edgar’s disappointment, evidence found by other members of the Silver Blades has linked as a follower of Erythnul, as well as being linked to questionable activities connected to Castle Aldermann.

Vosler Truemper

Outsider male neutral evil sorcerer 13/ archmage 7

Having traveled by Greyhawk, Vosler Truemper is seeking out the remains of Santo Koribayed, as well as attempting to eliminate any magically created clones of himself. Truemper has shown an affinity for Edgar Koribayed, through his overture to help Koribayed deal with Zur in exchange for the acquisition of several items.

Adimarch Verbane

Human male chaotic neutral adept 13

Adimarch Verbane is supposedly the primary replicant of Vosler Truemper, and is directly connected to Tharin Overkill as his creator. Verbane has a tenuous relationship with Damlegan Gault, and is wanted by Meen Carceright and Darsiff Larwood in Saltmarsh. Sharing a strikingly similar resemblance, Verbane, Truemper, and Overkill share the same genetic disposition, as well as several other individuals in the realm.

Hennet Zilfren

Human male chaotic good cleric of Kord 3/ fighter 1

Hennet Zilfren is a young cleric of Kord directly connected with Arianna. When his father, Harvand, was unable to pay for services rendered by the Silver Blades, Edgar Koribayed negotiated Hennet’s servitude for six month in lieu of payment. Encourgaged by Arianna to train the youth rather than follow the Silver Blades during the adventures, she enrolled him at the Temple of Storm and Battle in Celesthem, where he quickly took to learning the ways of Kord. He left his training on his own accord to seek out Arianna, when word of the (fake) Silver Blades’ crimes made it to his home. After following the Silver Blades for some time, he perished while valiantly fighting against Brunire during the blue dragon’s first assault.


Bugbear (undead) male neutral evil fighter 2/ wizard 9

Zur is the leader of the bugbears and recently returned from the dead. Reasons for his return are shrouded in mystery, as is how his influence has quickly swept through Valderin. Zur has re-asserted his influence in the barony of Thuciend, with humans and several monster races, including Brunie, paying tribute to his return.

Supporting NPCs of Cursed Earth

Ned Aeltyn

Ned Aeltyn is a former member of Santo Koribayed’s Folding Circle. During the aftermath of the Folding Circle and the Heroes of the North, Aeltyn fled to Steelgate, seeking a new life under a different name.

Revenas Agreimal

Revenas Agreimal is the Treasurer Royal of Valderin, and is the chief financial officer of the duchy. His responsibilities include collecting royal revenue, maintaining the legitimacy of any minted coins, and advising Duke Stonda on the budget of the duchy. A shrewd negotiator, he was removed from his position as the Duke of Arbatum because of controvery with Overlord Haniron’s rule. Duke Stonda quickly gave him a position in his government, in order to restore the honor of his old friend.


Not one to interfere with the Prime Material Plane, thie evil archomental (prince of elemental evil) of water from the Elemental Plane of Water is somehow connected to the abyssal cysts that are appearing in Gantara, by way of the dealings of Eridrifen Gruinor.

Justinian Ambermead

Justinian runs a stopover near Griffinhollow, simply called Ambermead’s. Although not large by any means, this spot is a crucial layover point for weary travelers, as well as a safe haven for the bale tempests that tend to strike the plains in the barony of Fanderword. Members of the Brotherhood of the Vorpal Tusk frequent this area, as Justinian has a quality livery stable and his rates for taking care of horses are fair.

Lars Anamar

Father Anamar is a wandering cleric, charged with maintaining the shrine of Kord in the town of Felspar. The Silver Blades first met Father Anamar while searching for members of the Welker Gang. He claimed no desire to venture into Felspar, feeling that the town was already a lost cause.

Egan Anderhoff

Father Anderhoff is a wandering cleric, charged with maintaining the shrine of Kord in the town of Wycliff. It was Father Anderhoff who introduced the Silver Blades to Simeon Sandflinger, a gnome who fled from the Serpent’s Tooth. Anderhoff spoke despairingly about Alendar, and how it should be avoided because of how soiled it is from evil.

Caranor Aranestan

Caranor Aranestan is an elf wizard who hired Corenathin and Magnus O’Connol to assist him in finding the temple of Zur in the forest outside of Byton. When encountering Tharin Overkill, he quickly surmised his connection with Damlegan Gault and Vosler Truemper, then quickly teleported away.

Iaryn Ashinough

Iaryn Ashinough was a popular teacher at the Golden Auditorium (acollege for bardic studies) in Celesthem, before his murder at the hands of the False Blades. Through the investigations of the Silver Blades, it is believed the reason for his murder was only to further besmirch the good name of the Silver Blades.

Gerald Baumish

A former associate of Martin Charrington, Gerald Baumish filled the power vacuum left behind when Charrington was imprisoned in Saltmarsh. Much less stubborn than his predecessor, Baumish quickly became transparent in his dealings with the Sons of Koribayed when he was captured by the Silver Blades, and pled out a deal to help him avoid any serious penalty. However, regardless of the charges, Baumish still holds sway with many members of the city council.

Lel Banterpike

Lel Banterpike was a poor dwarf fishmonger and father of five children in Eshelvadon, before his murder at the hands of the False Blades. Through the investigations of the Silver Blades, it is believed the reason for his murder was only to further besmirch the good name of the Silver Blades.

Yiddus Benict

Yiddus Benict was a popular tanner in Eshelvadon, before his murder at the hands of the False Blades. Through the investigations of the Silver Blades, it is believed the reason for his murder was only to further besmirch the good name of the Silver Blades.

Whyst Borothod

Whyst Borothod was the head of the ostler’s guild in Celesthem, before his murder at the hands of the False Blades. Through the investigations of the Silver Blades, it is believed the reason for his murder was only to further besmirch the good name of the Silver Blades.

Jasker Brank

Jasker Brank is a low-level operator for the Academy of the Last Moon. He was the contact for members of the Silver Blades who were interested in gaining membership with the thieves’ guild.

Jorrir Chorshenai

Jorrir Chorshenai was a wealthy member of the Toecer family in Eshelvadon, before his murder at the hands of the False Blades. Through the investigations of the Silver Blades, it is believed the reason for his murder was revenge for rebuffing Martin Charrington’s offer to make business arrangements, superseding Bomale Kacheros.

Ebstilar Citanul

Ebstilar Citanul is a bookseller in Yorkwater. He is a contact point for the Order of Ancient Secrets, and has provided information to the Silver Blades on the history of Castle Adlermann.

Nestor Clorisal

Nestor Clorisal is the name given to the Silver Blades as the supposed recipient for a shipment of sacred Obad-Hai relics in Dryntal, which were confiscated by Cragnar. Although he was inquired about through several means, the Silver Blades were unable to verify this person existed.

Wilsher Estasian

Wilsher Estasian was a prominent land owner and cattle magnate in Celesthem until his murder at the hands of Fidrian Seepwater. His daughter, Madaline, hired the Silver Blades to capture her father’s killer, bringing him to justice and his later execution.

Lorcan Evander

Lorcan Evander is the head of the Grey Men, the thieves’ guild of Celesthem. He is friends with Erolin Kashtitlan as well as several other merchants in the city. Edgar Koribayed is in good standing with Evander (partly because of his lineage to Santo Koribayed), and has gone out of his way to avert law-enforcement from locating the Silver Blades during the time the False Blades masqueraded as them.

Oclar Eversmith

Oclar Eversmith is a human barbarian who encountered the Silver Blades during their search for Cragnar in the Massif of Pantreath. He was instrumental in helping track down one of Cragnar’s mountain lairs, and was later hired to investigate any shady business dealing in Astin, although he never returned.

Diomar Fastrall

Diomar Fastrall is a warrior in Yorkwater, whose father was a member of Santo Koribayed’s Folding Circle. Upon hearing that Koribayed’s son had arrived in Yorkwater, Fastrall sought out Edgar Koribayed hoping this to be a sign of a new Folding Circle.


Garkorum was the bugbear leader of the Bloodghost Clan. While traveling on a pilgrimage to greet Zur’s return, he was afflicted by water contaminated by the Tears of Alyolvoy, slaughtering his own troops in a crazed frenzy. His fury continued when he came across Syme Parsons, killing him several miles outside of Castle Alderman. He was put down by members of the Silver Blades, when he blindly charged them into battle.

Prifit Tilner Gresforn

Prifit Tilner Gresforn is the high priest of the Temple of Aurosian in Yorkwater, and adviser to Baron Chorster. Father Gresforn assigned Daryn Ronakin to assist the Silver Blades in traveling north to deal with the threat of Zur in the Thuciend Forest.

The Grey Men

The Grey Men are the thieves’ guild of Celesthem, and have had several dealing with the Silver Blades. The current head of the guild is Lorcan Evander. Erolin Kashtitlan is in excellent standing with the group, and has used their services on multiple endeavors.

Turial Haniron

Overlord Turial Haniron is the ruler of Gantara, and has been ruling for the past 17 years. His previous position in the Empire of Gantara was as the duke of Dekelor, before his ascension to the throne. Prior to the Haniron family taking power, the Roaden family line produced an era of peace and prosperity.

Miros Herlendal

Miron Herlendal is the Clerk of the Chamber of Valderin, and is responsible for the operation of the royal household of Benton Stonda. On the occasion of when the Silver Blades attempted to speak with the duke directly, they were directed to Herlendal instead because of their social ranking. Herlendal stays close to Fulmont most of the time, but occasionally ventures out with the duke when he desires to view his lands.

Prifit Farning Hereford

Prifit Farning Hereford is the priest of the church of Kord in Fulmont. Father Hereford hid several Silver Blades in his church under the decorum of sanctuary, while the Silver Blades were sought for crimes they did not commit. In the evening hours at the beginning of each week, Prifit Hereford performs a private homily and prayer service with Sheriff Bergas Thornhild.

The Jade Lions

The Jade Lions (Delta Fash, Wes Novikoff, Araland Sunstreamer, Duerurt Battlerager, and Larhonda Offret) are a small group of mercenaries, who sought to claim the bounty on the Silver Blades when the party was falsely accused of crimes against the empire. Following the Silver Blades while they sought out Cragnar, the Jade Lions caught up with members of the group in Fulmont, were unable to capture them due to the secret by the lord chancellor of the duchy. The unit is led by Fash, the supposed daughter of a merchant lord in Hightower.

Bomale Kacheros

Bomale Kacheros was a prominent glass merchant in Eshelvadon, before his murder at the hands of the False Blades. Through the investigations of the Silver Blades, it is believed the reason for his murder was his direct competition of Martin Charrington.

Santo Koribayed

One of the prime villains in the Revenge of the Lich campaign until struck down by the oracle of Elves. His son, Edgar, is the leader of the Silver Blades (played by Jason) and seeks out his father's remains.

Rodelik Kurrid

Rodelik Kurrid is a reformed thief living in Pollspire. When Cartu came to the region looking for information about his lost family heirlooms, Kurrid was able to provide information about Orined LeVand and Saeker Keep.

Anmeh Larsken

Anmeh Larsken is a powerful wizard in Yorkwater. Although retired from adventuring, Larsken was one of the few spellcasters in Yorkwater able to teleport Edgar Koribayed to Saltmarsh, when he needed to confer with Baron Strifelen.

Jarthis Lassiter

Jarthis Lassiter is the half-elf responsible for the resurrecting of Tharin Overkill after his fateful encounter with Vosler Truemper. Although Overkill was never given a direct answer, Lassiter hinted members of the Keepers of the Azure Shield (an outlawed order) saw him as valuable and that his existence alone is a boon to the empire of Gantara. Lassiter also seemed to have intimate knowledge of what Overkill actually is, and told him there are several others just like him.

Nollthraz Lestuminca

Known mostly by her first name, Nollthraz is a drow associate of Naxo Tantara. Although information is unclear, what is known is she has a connection with the underworld slave trade routes going from Celesthem to Melekure.

Pertor Ligaright

Pertor Ligaright is the son of Petran Ligaright, owner of the Red Lion Inn in Saltmarsh, before his murder at the hands of the False Blades. Through the investigations of the Silver Blades, it is believed the reason for his murder was revenge by Martin Charrington for the broken engagement between his daughter, Amanda, and her suitor, Pertor.

Kavern Littlebrook

Kavern Littlebrook is a whisper gnome living in Aspenbrook. Being a high-ranking leader in the gnome enclase, Littlebrook was able to direct Ruin in the search for his missing sister. Mistrusting humans as Ruin does, Littlebrook warned him not to believe everything Wilson Frisk III had to say.

Gerald Lorsk

Gerald Lorsk is the constable of Fulmont, and is the primary law-enforcement official responsible for jailing several Silver Blades members for supposed crimes against the empire. Although his area of control happens to be the seat of the duke, Lorsk has shown he can navigate between local law and representatives of the duchy. Unfortunately, it was from his jail that the Silver Blades were able to escape.

Audry Lothoti

Audry Lothoti is a slaver with connections to the Lotus Syndicate, the thieves’ guild in Aspenbrook. She supposedly sold Ruin’s sister to Salazar Ghint. She is also in good standing with Wilson Frisk III.

Faustina Magid

Faustina is a wizard with deep ties to Lyran Tigid in Alendar. Although many of the town vouches she is in her eighties, her appearance is that of a woman in early middle age; she claims to have elf blood in her family line. The Silver Blades suspect her to be a follower of Erythnul, and to have some sort of connection with the questionable activities happening around Castle Aldermann.


Malind is a young adult black dragon, observed speaking with Frothix in the Saltmarsh swamp. Although the conversation was briefly heard by the Silver Blades, Malind seemed intent on convincing the lizardfolk king to swear allegiance to him, as his ancestors did for previous generations of black dragons. Two other juvenile black dragons were also seen in close proximity to Malind, leading the Silver Blades to believe they are working with the elder dragon.

Grust Mako

Grust Mako is one of Wilson Frisk III’s bodyguards and an acquaintance of Alwug. While the Silver Blades were negotiating with Frisk, Mako dealt with Alwug and informed him of how the Silver Blades had garnered as negative reputation; the results of the False Blades’ actions.

Merrin Mortai

Merrin Mortai is an associate of Meen Carceright and Darsiff Larwood in Yorkwater. He mistakenly attacked Tharin Overkill with a poisoned crossbow, thinking he was Adimarch Verbane. Later, he helped capture Overkill and bring him to his bosses.

The Mordwand

The Mordwand are a group of dwarves (Galug Steelbender, Ghotar Mountainpass, and Zowgen Rockcrusher) residing in Harncoast, who controlled most of the underworld activities in the area, in lieu an organized thieves’ guild. Through their dealings with the Silver Blades, a deal was struck to retrieve Martin Charrington, an unscrupulous merchant in Saltmarsh, to force the return of an unpaid debt. The Mordwand were eliminated by the fake Silver Blades, as ordered by Charrington, as revenge for the Mordwand’s interference in his activities in Saltmarsh.

The Nadarial Brothers

Maytern, Martyen, and Mantyre Nadarial are associates of the Ophes-treum, and were seen traveling with Victor Plumdoor and Bela Coy during the Snowdrop Festival in Celesthem. The most notable thing about the brothers, aside from being triplets, was the dire flail as their primary weapon choice.

Tarn Nosaer

Tarn Nosaer is a tracker and local guide who resides in Altguard. Nosaer assisted the Silver Blades by providing information about Cragnar’s raids on local merchants and the wagon trains.

Willia Parsons

Willia is a ranger who lives in Yorkwater and is the younger sister of Syme Parsons. She followed Tharin throughout the city until finally confronting him, not sure to trust him after being warned by another ranger. After she questioned him regarding the location of her brother's body, Willia set off for the Galudnid forest to retrieve Syme's body.

Andrati Pendicraw

Andrati Pendicraw is the captain of the guard in Yorkwater. He is responsible for dealing with the defense of the city from any bugbear hostilities, and is a regular consultant with Baron Adoben Chorster.

Gustoi Radovan

Gustoi Radovan is the Lord Privy Seal of Valderin, and is responsible for the general government and judiciary. Radovan is responsible for the highest court in Valderin, and is seen as a fair judge, but run who rules on the side of the empire in questionable cases. Radovan splits his time in Fulmont and Enstol, as his family originates from there.

Dircroft Rekaterac

Dircroft Rekaterac is the head of the stone mason’s guild in Yorkwater.

Ashti Reyms

Ashti Reyms is a female consort provided for Edgar Koribayed during his multiple stays in Alendar. At first seen as an amusement, she has been found to be reporting directly to Lyran Tigid any moves made by the Silver Blades during their visits. She has run afoul with Arianna for that fact, and has even gone so far as to ask Koribayed to send the Crusader of Kord away.

The Ripped Flesh Gang

The Ripped Flesh gang, led by Regas Dummik and Nogah Horthor was a group of half-orcs captured by the Blood Mast pirates, at the same time as the Silver Blades were detained. Initial relations were hospitable between both groups, but soon soured when leadership of the Ripped Flesh allied themselves with Jayleen Ruphrus in order to escape the island, leaving the Silver Blades behind.

Emri Rothsay

Emri Rothsay was a member of the Saltmarsh city council, before his murder at the hands of the False Blades. Through the investigations of the Silver Blades, it is believed the reason for his murder was his personal issues with Martin Charrington, who had attempted to bribe him. Rebuffed and insulted, Charrington took the matter personally, using the False Blades to obtain satisfaction with the matter.

Walthas Sedalb

Walthas Sedalb is the Saltmarsh advocate who defended Martin Charrington, when accusations were made by the Mordwand and carried out by the Silver Blades. Sedalb is considered the best lawyer in Saltmarsh, and has good relations with Baron Strifelan.

Matlor Shyen

Matlor Shyen is the leader of the Blood Mast pirates, whose whereabouts are unknown since the Silver Blades overwhelmed his troops and forced him to flee Brinereef Island.

Sivie Soulwolf

Sivie Soulwolf is an associate of the Ophes-treum, seen traveling with Bela Coy and Victor Plumdoor. His identify was made known when the Silver Blades followed Plumdoor during the Snowdrop Festival in Celesthem.

Benton Stonda

Duke Benton Stonda is the ruler of the Grand Duchy of Valderin, and is good friends with Overlord Turial Haniron. Prior to his ascension to the seat of the duchy, Stonda was the Baron of Aloraghen, and still has relatives living in Celesthem. Considered a fair ruler, Stonda maintains a peaceful duchy, although he views Melekure disdainfully as it is so close to his borders.

Naxo Tantara

Nothing more than a name to the Silver Blades, he is currently being sought by Radimar and Besk, for unknown reasons. The Silver Blades initially learned of his existence when Besk chose to question captured party member while they were all held prisoner by the Blood Mast pirates.

Samchae Tasser

Samchae Tasser was the nephew of Baron Strifelan in Saltmarsh, before his murder at the hands of the False Blades. Through the investigations of the Silver Blades, it is believed the reason for his murder was a retaliatory move for the independent moves by Tasser into the Silent Hands thieves’ guild territory. However, no clear line of evidence was found to implicate Silent Hands’ members.

Cimyll Tersed

Cimyll Tersed is barbarian follower of Kord, and an associate of the Ophes-treum. He once lost a best of three arm wrestling match with Arianna, being very much taken back when he learned she was a crusader of Kord following their first bout. Later, he drunkenly confessed to her how blessed he felt to have been defeated by someone of her stature.

Nettie Thims

Nettie Thims is a fixer for the Academy of the Last Moon, the thieves’ guild of Yorkwater. She ran afoul with Vhandreal as he attempted to set up a fake purchase of alchemical materials, with the real reason to meet with the head of the Academy. She threatened if Vhandreal were to toil with her again, he would be dealing with her dagger.

Ranll Tresden

Ranll Tresden was a prominent spice merchant in Celesthem, before his murder at the hands of the False Blades. Through the investigations of the Silver Blades, it is believed the reason for his murder was only to further besmirch the good name of the Silver Blades.

Vosler's Six

Vosler Truemper’s personal retinue (Aames Khan, Fieldus Yobbb, Daam Strope, Kate Aihes, Mosten Crie, and Tonia Adina) are never far from their master. Each of them made their presence known to Edgar Koribayed and Alwug, as the two were investigating Vosler’s magical carriage. Daam Strope was instrumental in persuading Tharin Overkill to meet with a source of information, but rather led him into a trap.

Nyon Warkin

Nyon Warkin was a member of the Darkened Blades assassins’ guild in Celesthem, before his murder at the hands of the False Blades. Through the investigations of the Silver Blades, it is believed the reason for his murder was to claim a sizeable reward for his elimination, and to further besmirch the good name of the Silver Blades.

The Welker Gang

The Welker Gang was a group of highwaymen who attacked travelers and merchants in the barony of Fanderword. Led by Gabriel Welker, the group hid from authorities in the mountains to the south and avoided capture for some time. Searching for Fidrian Seepwater, the Silver Blades killed the Welker Gang as they sought to prevent Seepwater’s capture; their treasure from years of raiding is still missing.

Sir Ryan Adair by Eva Widermann, Alwug by Ben Wootten, Loban Anomach by Tommaso Galmacci/CC BY 3.0, Black Dog Guard by Dennis Nicolai Andersen/CC BY 3.0, Blood Mast Pirates by Visual Glow/CC BY 3.0, Bonafazz by James Jacobs, Brotherhood of the Vorpal Tusk by Creative Stall/CC BY 3.0, Brunire by Ben Wootten, Meen Carceright by Caio Santos/CC BY 3.0, Martin Charrington by Kalervo Oikarinen, Baron Adoben Chorster by Sarunas Macijauskas, Radimar Cordia by Eric Belisle, Mickey Cornsyrup by Tom Rhodes/RND, Bela Coy by Alim Kaliberda, Cragnar by Helena Nikulina/CC BY 3.0, Besk Durltar by Oki Priyadi Rustana/CC BY 3.0, Wigland Durtin by Oki Priyadi Rustana/CC BY 3.0, The Elegant Ones by Trevor Dsouza/CC BY 3.0, Madaline Estasian by Oki Priyadi Rustana/CC BY 3.0, The False Blades by James Bates, Abelard Foredrew by Wayne Reynolds, Wilson Frisk II by Todd Gak, Frothix by Joe Ng, Damlegan Gault by Ben Wootten, Eridrifen Gruinor by Mike Selinker, Moendria Isimar by Rodrigo Gonzalez, Erolin Kashtitlan by Bryan Syme, Dante Koribayed by Valeria Lutfullina, Darsiff Larwood by Caio Santos/CC BY 3.0, Orined LeVand by Sarunas Macijauskas, Warwick Miomar by Eva Widermann, LeTaxi Motocar by Sara Contreras/CC BY 3.0, The Ophes-treum by Rogier van de Beek, Syme Parsons by Will O’Brien, Victor Plumdoor by Timon Winkler, Daryn Ronakin by Tonya Woldridge, Jayleen Ruphrus by Vincent Lefevre, Simeon Sandflinger by Wayne Reynolds, Fidrian Seepwater by Luca Cristantielli, The Serpent's Tooth by Richard Alexander/CC BY 3.0, The Sons of Koribayed by Jaime Serra/CC BY 3.0, Baron Thoroar Strifelen by Wayne Reynolds, Sheriff Bergas Thornhild by Maichol Quinto, Lyran Tigid by Javier Charro, Vosler Truemper by Ekaterina Kurenkova/CC BY 3.0, Adimarch Verbane by Wayne Reynolds, Hennet Zilfren by Anderson Sanmartín/CC BY 3.0, Zur by Roberto Pitturru

Artwork for Joe Ng, and Eva Widermann falls under the Wizards of the Coast Fan Content Policy.

Artwork for Eric Belisle, Javier Charro, James Jacobs, Alim Kaliberda, Valeria Lutfullina, Sarunas Macijauskas, Will O’Brien, Kalervo Oikarinen, Roberto Pitturru, Maichol Quinto, Wayne Reynolds, Mike Selinker, Bryan Syme, Rogier van de Beek, Tonya Woldridge, and Ben Wootten falls under the Paizo Inc. Community Use Policy.