Episode Guide for


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Episode Guide

Each weekend, the players assembled to play what has been designated as an episode. Each week, a recap of the most recent episode’s happenings was posted to allow those who have been missing for many or few episodes to get a feel for what they have missed. 

Episode 1

Date: June 6, 1994

Attendance: Daniel, Derek, Fritz, Robert

Summary: ProteX has just graduated the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters. While the X-Men are away on a mission, some of the new graduates were invited to one last trip to the Danger Room before they would leave the mansion to start off their own careers. Chingon, Forq, Ms. Majesty, and Reboot were not sure where their lives would take them, but they all agreed to try to beat Wolverine’s best score before they left. Professor X had them mentally pick a number from 1-40 with Reboot getting the closest, meaning he was the victim with the rest of the party tasked to save him. As Chingon, Forq, and Ms. Majesty entered the Danger Room, the PCs saw Reboot stuck in a cage at the end of the area. The Danger Room came alive, sending out opponents to attack the PCs, leaving Reboot in the cage. Two giant robot lions (not aligned to Voltron) appeared and engaged Chingon and Mr. Majesty, while Dr. Octopus-like tentacles sprang from the wall and attacked Forq, while Reboot watched on. Actually, Reboot was not there, with only a hologram of his person trapped in the cage, but he was upstairs making lunch at Professor X’s behest. Watching on the security monitors, Reboot saw ProteX starting to make quick work of the Danger Room obstacles. Using his technokinetic abilities, he accessed the Danger Room difficulty parameters finding the settings were left on medium. Wanting to give his friends a good challenge (and he was a little bitter about lunch duty), Reboot upped the setting to high, causing the rest of the team more grief. The rest of ProteX and Professor X immediately noticed the new protocols, but the group was confident it would still win AND beat Wolverine’s score. While enjoying his antics, Reboot failed to notice the perimeter sensor warning and was rudely interrupted by a man, crashing through the window looking outside to the garden. Recognizing the intruder as the Fixer, Reboot narrowly escaped a “capture sphere” lobbied in his direction. The battle in the Danger Room continued, but Ms. Majesty and Professor X became distracted with their mutant abilities sensing Reboot was in peril. Trapped away from the alarm lever, Reboot attacked the Fixer’s battlevest directly, detonating several devices causing harm to both himself (lesser) and the invader (greater). The battle ended with Ms. Majesty flying into the kitchen, using the “Power Cosmic” to finish off the Fixer while Chingon stayed behind to miss beating Wolverine’s record by 5 seconds.

Combat: While most of the PCs are working on a mission in the Danger Room, the Fixer invades the mansion, but is quickly subdued.

Episode 2

Date: June13, 1994

Attendance: Daniel, Derek, Fritz, Robert

Summary: With the Danger Room session completed and the Fixer defeated, the rest of the PCs joined Professor X to assess the real assault on Xavier Mansion. Reboot was still recovering from his wounds and other party members removed the Fixer to a secure room for holding. Professor X insisted on a mental probing rather than a physical interrogation and found the main reason for the Fixer’s attack was to get revenge on Wolverine. A search of the Fixer’s possessions found a damaged CD-ROM with a single video file. Upon playing the file, the video showed Wolverine slashing to death the Fixer’s ally, Mentallo, on top of a building which the PCs assumed was New York City, based on the skyline. Professor X noticed the video must be a fake since he just communicated with Wolverine (who was on a mission off-planet) and trusted his story. The Fixer asserted the X-Men were mutant assassins and swore revenge until Professor X calmed him. Reviewing the video again gained no further evidence, but Professor X used Cerebro to amplify his mental detection abilities, finding Mentallo in a confused state, but in New York City. With the Blackbird jet being used, the PCs rented a limo to take them to NYC. Although the Fixer was adamant on coming along to help his friend, ProteX felt it best for him to stay confined. While in NYC (and after a bottle of complimentary champaign), the PCs arrived at Minski’s Cannery, the location Professor X directed them. A quick look around outside of the building gained nothing as it appeared locked up and abandoned. Ms. Majesty noted her view from the skylight showed a gutted building, only with canning machinery. Forq sensed weird low-frequency sounds coming from inside, which was enough for Chingon to tear open the reinforced steel doors and bound inside. He was greeted by wall-mounted lasers which focused on him until other party members arrived. Before Ms. Majesty could enter through the skylight, Wolverine AND Mentallo burst from a door on the empty roof water tower. Trying to negotiate with her friend, Wolverine got the jump on Ms. Majesty who noticed Mentallo was using lasers (like Cyclops) rather than mental blasts. Chingon and Forq attempted to destroy the central machinery but were stopped by a force field. Reboot sensed a central machine was the main threat and used his technokinetic power to shut down everything, including the robot versions of Wolverine and Mentallo.

Combat: Robot versions of Wolverine and Mentallo, and several laser turrets are deactivated by ProteX.

Episode 3

Date: June 20, 1994

Attendance: Daniel, Derek, Fritz, Robert

Summary: As the sparks still radiated off the destroyed machinery and robots, the party convened inside the cannery with any pertinent items to try to better comprehend what exactly this all meant. While Chingon lobbied to keep robot Wolverine’s head as a trophy, the rest of the PCs search the area for any additional information. Forq indicated there were still sub-sonic frequencies at play, with Reboot confirming another force field emitter was active below the cannery floor. Blasting away, Ms. Majesty ripped open a basement level, showing the active force field containing the real Mentallo, held in stasis. Using Reboot’s power, freeing Mentallo was easy, but when Chingon manhandled him into giving up additional information, a brief combat ensued and Mentallo was knocked unconscious. Deciding the robots would be enough and the remaining destroyed machinery would not be able to fit into the limo, ProteX (with Mentallo) returned to the mansion for a briefing with Professor X. Back at HQ, Reboot pulled both robots’ memory cores and used Cerebro to locate video records to search for clues about who was behind everything. Upon review, Magneto was seen in several instances, and once focusing on four points on a world map. Interrogating Mentallo (and using the Mentallo robot head as a prop), the evil mutant revealed Magneto had hired him, and after implementing a mental booster to enhance Mentallo’s illusion creation abilities, worked together to steal nuclear materials from a government site in central Pennsylvania, then Magneto turned against him. When further pressed, Mentallo revealed Magneto’s plan to set high-radiation emitters in the upper atmosphere to increase the likelihood of mutant births (and human deaths) for the next 20 years. Unsure if Mentallo had shared everything, the PCs pressed Professor X to further scan Mentallo’s mind for any additional information. In a group mind link, the party witnessed the Pennsylvania theft, but noticed Magneto seemed to use physical force rather than magnetism to deal with issues like tearing open metal doors. Mentallo was questioned whether Magneto displayed his magnetism power, and revealed yes, but only in a limited capacity. The party speculated whether Magneto had made changes to his body or if it was the real Magento. Regardless, with the X-Men off-planet and Professor X designating this as a “mutant problem-mutant solution” issue, the PCs were ordered to deal with the situation.  

Combat: A weakened Mentallo did not put up much of a fight.

Episode 4

Date: June 27, 1994

Attendance: Daniel, Derek, Fritz, Robert

Summary: While taking in the information that the X-Men’s enemy, Magneto, is involved, the PCs took stock of how they should deal with him as it appeared fate would have their paths intersect with the evil mutant. Tasked by Professor X, Reboot set about creating a scanner that could detect Magneto’s device within a 10-mile radius. Performing a deep scan into Mentallo’s mind, Professor X deduced a first step in locating Magneto’s “breeder bombs” would be to investigate the Denning Military Reservation, just west of Parachute, Colorado. Since the Blackbird was still off-planet and ProteX did not want to drive or charter a plane, the PCs connected with a long-time friend of Professor X named Airdrop, whose long-range teleportation circle, left the PCs outside a local Qwik-E-Mart just west of Denver; a place Airdrop had visited in the past. Transportation was acquired from a local car rental company and the PCs headed west to Parachute. Supplying themselves and leaving the car, the party trekked overland toward the Denning Military Reservation atop the Project Rulison test site using Reboot’s scanner to locate the breeder bomb. The PCs encountered a prospector named Augie who also laid claim to the device he recently found in some old barracks, and although some PCs thought intimidation would work, better ideas came about with Reboot’s powers helping in the bargaining. Safely deactivating the bomb inside the barracks took longer than expected, but in the end, the party agreed that was not the reason behind the arrival of two Mark V Sentinels as the robots blared “mutants detected” for anyone within earshot. With Reboot engaged in deactivating the breeder bomb, Ms. Majesty attacked the first Sentinel by herself while Chingon and Forq (with Augie wielding a shotgun) attacked its partner. During the combat, Forq noticed the distant vibrations of military helicopters heading toward the barracks, increasing the party’s anxiety of the situation. Defeating the Sentinels and deactivating the breeder bomb, Reboot torn through the remainder of both, creating a small short-range rocket sled from Sentinel parts which whisked ProteX and Augie away from the four military helicopters. Thankful for Augie’s help, Reboot repurposed the rocket-sled, merging it into Augie’s old pickup truck guaranteeing the engine would not need replacing for up to 100 years. The party was dropped off by their rental car, returned to the Qwik-E-Mart, and signaled Airdrop to pick them up for return.

Combat: Two Mark V Sentinels were scrapped, and savvy decision-making helps avoid an encounter with the United States Army.

Episode 5

Date: July 11, 1994

Attendance: Daniel, Derek, Fritz, Robert



Episode 6

Date: July 18, 1994

Attendance: Daniel, Derek, Fritz, Robert



Episode 7

Date: July 25, 1994

Attendance: Daniel, Derek, Fritz, Robert



Episode 8

Date: August 1, 1994

Attendance: Daniel, Derek, Fritz, Robert



Episode 9

Date: August 8, 1994

Attendance: Daniel, Derek, Fritz, Robert



Episode 10

Date: August 15, 1994

Attendance: Daniel, Derek, Fritz, Robert

