Weapons Locker for
Free Quebec
Combat Primer
Action Clarification
P.P. attribute bonuses and Hand to Hand Combat bonuses do NOT apply to modern weapons.
Modern Weapon Clarification
All Ranged Attacks: Requires a roll of 8 to strike (including W.P. & Sniping bonuses).
Aimed Shot: +2 to strike (counts as two attacks).
Called Shot: No bonus, but enables the character to get a bead on very small or difficult specific targets (counts as two melee attacks; possible penalties for small targets).
“Aimed” Called Shot: +2 to strike, but can target very small, specific items and areas (takes three attacks; possible penalties for small targets).
Each individual shot/bullet fired counts as one melee attack.
Firing a short burst also counts as one melee attack, but is less accurate.
Long bursts and bursts from certain weapons will be indicated in the W.P. description and may count as two (sometimes more) attacks.
Shooting Blind: -10 to strike.
Shooting Bursts: Strike bonuses reduced by ½ (-3 to strike without W.P.). Can NOT make Aimed or Called shots.
Shooting Wild: -6 to strike. Can NOT make Aimed or Called shots.
When the character is terrified, angry/enraged, panicked, off balance, drunk, shooting from a moving vehicle/platform/horseback, spraying an area, shooting while under heavy fire himself, and while running, leaping, dodging, falling or hanging upside down.
Shooting 30% Beyond Normal Range: -5 to strike.
Target is Moving: -1 to strike, -1 additional per 50 mph (80 km) beyond 20 mph (32 km), and -1 for evasive action.
Target is Behind Cover: Requires Called Shot, impossible if complete cover.
Dodging Gunfire, within 10 feet (3 m): -10 to dodge.
Dodging Gunfire, within 50 feet (15.2 m): -5 to dodge.
If a character has the Sniper skill, this skill represents special training in long-range shooting and marksmanship. Only weapons that can be made to fire a single bullet/round (or blast) can be used for sniping; no automatic firing. Acceptable weapons include bow and arrows, crossbows, bolt-action rifles, and other rifles capable of switching from automatic to single shot. Bonus: +2 to strike on a Called or Aimed Shot only.
A character with no gun proficiency rolls 1D20 with no bonuses to strike, can NOT make an Aimed Shot or a Called Shot and suffers a penalty of -3 to strike with burst attacks, -5 to strike when shooting a machine-gun or other heavy weapon, and -6 when shooting wild.
Ecliptica Armory combat neural mace
Requisite Skill: W.P. Blunt
Weight: 2 lbs.
Overall Length: 24 inches
Effective Range: Hand-to-Hand
Damage: 1D8 + P.S.
Same stun penalties as Coalition Dog-Boy neural mace.
Black Market Cost: 8000 credits
Speirs Gashmaster 10K vibro blade
Requisite Skill: W.P. Knife
Weight: 0.7 lbs.
Overall Length: 11.9 inches
Effective Range: Hand-to-Hand
Damage: 1D6 Mega-Damage
Cost: 7000 credits
Free Quebec Army QPA-102 "Violator" SAMAS
Requisite Skill: Pilot: Robot Combat Elite: SAMAS
Crew: One, no cargo space
Height: 8.5 feet, but the top mounted air intake jets add another two feet (0.6 m) for an overall height of 10.5 feet.
Length: 4.8 feet
Width: Wings down, 3.7 feet. Wings extended, 16 feet.
Weight: 680 lbs.
Maximum Speed:
Running: 70 mph
Flying: maximum speed 360 mph, cruising speed 60-150 mph
Maximum Altitude: 10,000 feet
Maximum Range: The nuclear power supply gives the SAMAS decades of life but the jet rockets get hot and need to cool down after a maximum of 10 hours of continuous flight at speeds above cruising, 24 hours at cruising speed. It can fly indefinitely with rest stops every few hours. Average energy life is 20 years.
Cost: 2.1 million credits. Exclusive the Quebec Military.
To avoid "friendly fire" and confusion on the battlefield, the V-SAM is a glossy and highly reflective black color (as opposed to the CS blue-black) with light blue highlights along the front and tips of the wings, and forward airfoils as well as the "cuffs" of the forearms, ankles and other places. The white fleur-de-lis on a light red triangular field is emblazoned on each wing. The stylized wings and spiked helmet also help distinguish them from the new blue-black, skeletal Coalition SAMAS.
TerraVolt Driveworks 109 Landshark APC
Requisite Skill: Pilot: Tanks and APCs
Crew: Two: pilot, copilot with room for 30 armored troops
Height: 12 feet
Length: 21 feet
Width: 9 feet
Weight: 12.8 tons
Maximum Speed: 85 mph maximum on land
Power System: Nuclear; average energy life is 15 years.
Cost: 14 million credits
Items Some Consider To Be Unnatural
Techno-wizard flaming sword
Requisite Skill: W.P. Sword
Weight: 1.1 lbs.
Overall Length: 10 inches (hilt only), 42 inches (total length)
Effective Range: hand-to-hand
Damage: 4D6 Mega-Damage
Energy Requirements: 15 I.S.P. or Fire Bolt spell (7 P.P.E.) or a Circle of Flame spell (10 P.P.E.) for a duration of two minutes (8 melees) per level of the experience.
To activate the flaming sword, the appropriate amount of I.S.P. or spell and P.P.E. must be pumped into the handle. A moment later, a crackling, red, orange, or yellow flame appears and can be used a magic sword.
Cost: 70,000 credits
"Ecliptica Armory combat neural mace" by Stepan Zakharov, "Free Quebec Army QPA-102 Violator SAMAS" by © Palladium Books Inc., "Speirs Gashmaster 10K vibro blade" by Roman Green, "Techno-wizard flaming sword" by Andrew Gledhill-Carr, "TerraVolt Driveworks 109 Landshark APC" by Peter Primini
All artwork on this page falls under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.