Episode Guide for

Defenders of the City

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Episode Guide

Each weekend, the players assembled to play what has been designated as an episode. Each week, a recap of the most recent episode’s happenings was posted to allow those who have been missing for many or few episodes to get a feel for what they have missed. 

Episode M1

Date: February 6, 2016

Attendance: James B., James D., Jason, Jennifer, Leigh


Combat: The PCs defeat a group of Altered Humans, Mutants, and Hi-Tech enemies (AKA Radioactive Man, Fixer, Beetle, Scorpion, and Mentallo), referring to themselves as Acumen Elite.

Episode M2

Date: February 13, 2016

Attendance: James B., James D., Jason, Jennifer, Jerry, Joe, Kelli, Leigh


Combat: Timothy MacGregor's friend, Antonio Rodriguez (AKA Armadillo), is subdued.

Episode M3

Date: February 20, 2016

Attendance: James B., James D., Jason, Jennifer, Joe, Leigh


Combat: There is plenty of cloak-and-dagger, and there is posturing on both sides, but combat is boils down to stopping an escape attempt.

Episode M4

Date: February 27, 2016

Attendance: James B., James D., Jason, Jennifer, Leigh


Combat: The PCs overcome a group of altered humans (AKA Anaconda, Black Mamba, Black Racer, Bushmaster, Coachwhip, Death Adder, and Sidewinder) who had their own plans for the downed alien ship.

Episode M5

Date: March 5, 2016

Attendance: James B., James D., Jason, Jennifer, Jerry, Kelli, Leigh


Combat: Grace and MacGregor take down the Melter during a brazen midday robbery. Later, the party subdued an agitated Nova Corpsmen.

Episode M6

Date: March 12, 2016

Attendance: James B., James D., Jason, Jennifer, Leigh


Combat: Members of Cogent defeated Russian scientist and criminal Ivan Kragoff and his three enhanced primates.

Episode M7

Date: April 2, 2016

Attendance: James B., James D., Jason, Jennifer, Jerry, Leigh


Combat: Cogent avoided combat with a power-armor clad Russian Quick Response Team, but the party encountered a Thor clone which they defeated.

Episode M8

Date: April 9, 2016

Attendance: James B., James D., Jason, Jennifer, Kelli, Leigh


Combat: Superheroes vs. (controlled) superheroes in north-Houston residential area resulted in Cogent triumphing over BroForce.

Episode M9

Date: April 16, 2016

Attendance: James B., James D., Kelli, Leigh


Combat: In a wide-ranging battle, Cogent took our Elihas Stem, Erik Josten, and Dr. Karla Sofen (AKA Egghead, Goliath, and Moonstone).

Episode M10

Date: May 7, 2016

Attendance: James B., James D., Jason, Jennifer, Leigh


Combat: Through several combats, Cogent defeated Arthur Parks, Emil Blonsky,  power-armor piloting Michael O'Brien, and Samuel Sterns (AKA The Living Laser, The Abomination, Iron Monger, and the Leader).