Justice, Not Law
"Justice, Not Law" is a Palladium Heroes Unlimited campaign run in 2008-2009 with the Houston-area RPG group.
The campaign followed a group of like-minded meta-humans living in the Houston area, who wished to use their abilities to add to society, targeting those who felt they were above the law. Some labeled them heroes, some labeled them vigilantes, but this nameless group worked to save lives and prevent disasters while using covert activities and anonymity as their shield. With each of them believing they are unique with their powers and passions, the campaign follows the lives of several characters as they learn about their new found powers and that there are others like them living quiet (and not so quiet) lives in society. The campaign story concepts are plot-based, but character driven, allowing for the player characters to interact with their environment as much as they choose. Houston is a blooming metropolis of several million people, much like many others in modern America. Grandeur and degradation, prosperity and poverty, munificence and greediness, integrity and iniquity exist side-by-side while the inhabitants simply try to get by from day to day, overlooking the incongruities and perils of modern urban life. For the first three episodes, the campaign theme revolved around the idea of the player characters taking the law into their own hands, and meeting out the justice that courts systems could not do. This formula changed as the players used more governmental resources, therefore binding their opportunities as a vigilante group. The first episode was played on July 26, 2008, continuing weekly until July 25, 2009, with the game sessions happening on with the game sessions happening on Saturday evenings, but taking time off for various interruptions.
It follows the lives of several players characters as they learn about their new found powers and that there are others like them living quiet (and not so quiet) lives in society. The campaign story concepts are plot-based, but character driven, allowing for the player characters to interact with their environment as much as they choose. For the first three episodes, the campaign theme revolved around the idea of the player characters taking the law into their own hands, and meeting out the justice that courts systems could not do. This formula changed as the players used more governmental resources, therefore binding their opportunities as a vigilante group. The first episode was played on July 26, 2008, and continues on a weekly basis, with the game sessions happening on Saturday evenings until it finished on July 11, 2009.
Campaign Setting
The setting is Houston in 2014 based on an alternate timeline.
A lot has changed in the world since the 9/11 attacks. That Tuesday in September 2001, the skies were clear, and the World Trade Center stood standing. Instead, Islamist terrorists attacked unsuspecting American's at its national ballparks. The chemical release of a neuro-toxin into the air via tanker trucks centered at the stadiums during scheduled baseball games created death zones 5-10 mile in diameter. Hundreds of thousands perished, still leaving others in a permanent of poor physical health. The attacks on Detroit, New York City, Miami, Baltimore, Tampa, Atlanta, Kansas City, Chicago, Milwaukee, Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Diego, Dallas, and Washington D.C. are devastating. Sketchy news reports indicate a planned attack on Houston was mysteriously foiled by local law enforcement.
Millions flee major metropolitan areas moving to the west and south looking for somewhere in America that can now be considered safe. The mass departure from America's largest cities causes a radical shift in population demographics, causing panic and strain upon U.S. economic stability. After a tumultuous six months of national upheaval, citizens head south to the Houston metropolitan area, because of its stability during these trying times. America's southern neighbor, Mexico, also has struggles of its own. As the U.S. economy slumps, Mexico's military overthrows their President, establishing a new Centralist government. The new leadership is unable to cope with the Churubusco hemorrhagic fever, as the respiratory virus spreads southward, with the northern population streams illegally across Texas borders. Almost overnight, Houston is remolded from the fourth largest city in the country to the most populous metropolitan area in the world, with census figures estimating around 20 million people. Construction soars to provide the citizenry homes and workplaces. The 10,062 square mile greater Houston goes through tremendous change as high rise apartments, and business towers dominate the skyline. With the immediate influx of citizens, Houston cements its place as the world's center for energy, manufacturing, aeronautics, transportation, and health care.
With the population explosion over the next 12 years, there come societal issues as well. Most of the refugees of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 opt to settle down permanently in the Houston area causing a greater shortage for housing and forcing builders to create structures of lesser quality. Many builders are unable to keep up with the needs for housing, leaving part of the southeastern part of the city still not repaired from Hurricane Ike. Statistics in 2013 report there were over 130,000 violent crimes committed in the Houston area. Gang activity rises to new levels, as groups such as MS-13 and drug cartels from Mexico vie for territory. With over 375,000 instances of property crime, many Houston residents have become fed up with the lack of a police force and have started to take the law into their own hands. Acts of vigilantism are often reported on the evening news. Other news items have reported sightings of individuals with extraordinary abilities. The media has dubbed them "meta-humans", since "superheroes" seem too cliché. The general populace has taken note of three individuals who have been sighted multiple times: some sort of winged female flying in the downtown district, a high-tech armored figure spotted from time to time at various spots in the city, and a shadowy vigilante wanted for questioning by local law enforcement. Other individuals with meta-human abilities have also become more active recently in with the intent to combat the criminal element of the city.
Player Characters
Main Article: Player Characters of Justice, Not Law
At night, while upright citizens disappear behind triple-locked doors or fearfully watch over the shoulders as they walk quickly from one lighted area to another, groups of men stalk the night, preying upon vulnerable people and draining the city not only of its prosperity but much of its soul as well. With this the PCs act as vigilantes who hope through their activities to make a difference in the lives of all Houstonians. They seek what would seem to be a simple goal: the protection of the innocent from the criminals that want to prey upon them. At the outset of the campaign, each player will start with one character. All players will roll randomly for stats and skill benefits, but can choose their own background. Humans are greatly encouraged, but human-like races are also allowed. Experience points are awarded based on game play, not just killing enemies. Alignments are limited to any non-Evil alignments.
Character driven campaigns traditionally fair well with a diverse group of experienced players. Adam plays John Smith, owner of an enchanted ring granting Alter Physical Structure: Sand. Andrea plays invulnerable mutant Mary Jane Peterson. Brett plays Brian Gearman, an Electronics Genius with his own transformable battlesuit. James plays Chris Cage, an experiment with the power of Alter Physical Structure: Fire. Jason plays black-ops Super-Soldier Brock Samson. Jerry plays Wilbur Flannigan, Supernaturally strong but nerdy college student. Joe plays Cyric, a Nightbane who has found his way into a world without the Dark Day. Leigh originally played Sarah Marshall, a teleporting private investigator who accidentally died in Episode 6. Leigh now plays Zoe Cicone, a mutant with the power of Intangibility. Mark plays Magnetism-wielding Sebastian Cord. Shannon plays latent psionic Floyd Foster.
Important NPCs
As the campaign was self-contained within the area of the greater Houston metropolitan area, the players had ample opportunity to meet and establish a variety of NPC contacts, allies, and enemies. Several NPCs have made recurring appearances to progress and expand the story line. Each NPC had a different significance to the campaign, as the players developed relationships that had a bearing on the overall campaign. Minor NPCs tended to add enrichment to the main plot points, while major NPCs offered a perspective which either complemented the players or added an adversarial aspect to the campaign. Due to the scope of the campaign, actions of the players sometimes dictated the importance of NPCs to their characters' lives. Some NPCs were not grounded in one place and would appear in totally unrelated locations, while others would always be in the same place for the players to find them. Most of the players have at least one major NPC with which they connect with on a regular basis. These major NPCs offer perspective on the plot points the players are dealing with.
At the outset of the campaign, the PCs started out in Houston, where most of the characters have been living for some time. This city of Houston is similar, but vastly different from its real-life counterpart. The metropolitan area is larger, the buildings are taller, and the population has a grittier vibe than in real-life. The players already have established contacts in their lives, and gain additional contacts helping them on their crusade against the underbelly of the city. Their first contact was Whisper, an invisible meta-human with knowledge of who the players characters really are and what their potential could be used for. At the outset, the characters sought to foil the plans of NPCs who were without superpowers. As the campaign progressed, the vigilantes encountered meta-humans with greater power and nightmare creatures looking to take over the world. None of the player characters currently have family members in any sort of active NPC role.
Several NPCs have made recurring appearances to progress and expand the storyline. Each NPC has a different significance to the campaign. Both meta-humans and normal humans (along with some supernatural creatures) have interacted with the players. Most of the players have at least one major NPC with which they connect with on a regular basis. These major NPCs offer perspective on the plot points the players are dealing with. At the outset of the campaign, the players met Whisper, an invisible meta-human, who alerted them to a threat named Halloween. Onyx has had several encounters with the characters, guiding them to certain goals. John Follmer works behind the scenes as handler for Brock Samson. Besto do Lagarto was the first encounter with a supernatural creature, which ended with its demise. None of the player characters currently have family members in any sort of active NPC role.
Episode Guide
Main Article: Episode Guide for Justice, Not Law
Each weekend the players assembled to play what has been designated as an episode. The characters initially were brought together by circumstance, all either investigating or being invited to a Pre-Super Bowl event occurring at the Houston Zoo. Later, the group is assembled by representatives of S.H.I.E.L.D. as a covert team working to take on privately the threats a public-team like the Avengers cannot do. Each week, a recap of the most recent episode’s happenings was posted to allow those who have been missing for many or few episodes to get a feel for what they had missed. Any postings on this website would be the same information given out each week via Facebook, although much of the personal commentary was left out. Players wishing to join the Facebook group called Gamers needed to speak with the DM directly.
Each weekend the players have assembled to play has been designated as an episode. The player characters have come together to help deter those criminal elements who choose to act outside the scope of law enforcement. While they have allies, some have rebelled at the concept of organizing an actual group to associate with. The party has been involved in several combats, making both allies and enemies in the process. Both positive and negative conflicts involve known vigilantes, underworld crime bosses, and dimensional beings. The group's diversity in how they each view the law is the major sticking point to the campaign as each player has his or her own agenda. How to deal with their identities as meta-humans living a secret life among normal humans has been a reoccurring theme. Using their extraordinary abilities in front of the general public has been shied away from, and an underlying theme of avoiding exposure has continued since the first episode.
Places of Note
Main Article: Places of Note for Justice, Not Law
Welcome to Houston. Approximately 9.5 million people live in the metropolitan area. The city boasts several professional sports teams, a seaport, major universities, and some of the most celebrated museums in the world. It has one of the highest crime rates in the United States. Youth gangs, organized crime, foreign criminal organizations, drug lords, and numerous independents make Houston their home. Houston has the most active vigilantes of any city in the United States. Score of dark heroes walk the streets fighting for justice, not law. The main plot of the campaign revolved around encounters taking place in the greater Houston area, as the players administer justice to criminals who make citizen afraid to walk at night and want the lawbreakers to pay for the offenses they have inflicted. A map was created to give the players a visual aspect of where their characters are traveling to and from. As the campaign progressed, specific information about locales was given to flesh out the locations.
The main focus of the campaign lies in the city of Houston. With the exception of those few who can fly, most of the player characters have driven from place to place. Several locations of note lie in the suburban areas of Houston, with the many of the altercation between PCs and NPCs happening closer to downtown. Specific places are used as hideouts, meeting spots, or work places where the PCs interact. Most of these place have not been fleshed out in great detail, since most of the role-playing consists of the player characters sitting down to make plans or to gain information on possible leads. Most of the player characters live close to their places of work, and are familiar with the surrounding businesses and locales. Campaign NPCs usually stay in the general areas of locations with which they are familiar with. However, certain NPCs have been notably seen at various sites important to the plot of the campaign.
Rules and Redundancy
Main Article: Rules and Redundancy for Justice, Not Law
The main goal of the campaign is to have fun. Unfortunately, there are times when rules can come into conflict when players are attempting to achieve their goals. House Rules allowed for situations like these to be mitigated when there was insufficient information to deal with specific encounters.
Weapons Locker
Core rule books contain a plethora of melee and ranged weapons for the players to choose from. However, there are times when the characters encounter weapons and items of power that go beyond the scope of what is readily available for purchase. Herein lies an inventory of non-standard items encountered throughout the campaign, from the mundane to the spectacular.
Justice, Not Law by Trevor Rudall, Important NPCs by Ylasenko Yehor, Places of Note by Carol M. Highsmith
Artwork for Trevor Rudall on this page falls under Adobe Stock Standard License.
Artwork for Ylasenko Yehor on this page falls under Shutterstock Enhanced License.
Artwork for Carol M. Highsmith on this page falls under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.