Rules and Redundancy for
Bubblegum Cartel
House Rules of Bubblegum Cartel
Resolving Actions
All tasks in Fuzion are resolved the same way: take your most relevant CHARACTERISTIC, add to it your most relevant SKILL, and add a die roll to your total. Compare the resulting value to a Difficulty Value (either the total of your opponents' CHARACTERISTIC +SKILL + roll or a value determined by the GM). If you equal or exceed the DV, then the action is a success.
Talking During Combat
Talking is a free action, but monologues are not.
Campaign Redundancy
Boomers are basically cyberdroids: biotechnological entities, robots made up of protein mechanics, neo-metallic structures, artificial intelligence systems, and synthetic organs. Players may only choose from Android-class Boomers. Attributes and skills for each model are already pre-determined. Talents and Disadvantages will be used from the Character Template section on BGC page 36.
Boomeroids are also known as cyborgs. A human brain placed in an artificial body. Full-cyborg bodies can be bought at varying sizes and power levels, replacing the character’s STR, BODY, and MOVE attributes, eliminating the CON attribute and STUN point entirely, and giving the character SDP rather than HITS. The maximum attribute value is 12 for the above mentioned attributes. However, too much cybernetics implanted in one body can result in Boomer syndrome.
Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics (I.C.E.): security programs which protect computerized data from being accessed by hackers.
Glug: mass-produced synth-beer sold (and consumed) in half-gallon containers