Weapons Locker for
The Kaldor Chronicles
Combat Primer
AML (Attack Mastery Level): The modified ML used in combat when attacking with a weapon. It is equal to Weapon ML + Weapon Attack Class (WAC). The AML of a Spear (WAC 20) at ML70 is: 70+20=90.
DML (Defense Mastery Level): The modified ML used in combat when defending with a weapon. It is equal to Weapon ML + Weapon Defense Class (WDC). The DML of a Spear (WDC 10) at ML70 is: 70+10=80.
Aiming Zone
The Attacker may declare one of three Aim Zones (HIGH, MID, or LOW). Aiming High or Low has a penalty (-10) in the combat roll.
"Gashrul’s Blade": The blade is sheathed in a black leather scabbard with silver trim. Its inscription reads “death to all” in Lakise (the common Hârnic script). This minor artifact was forged 50 years ago by a secret Morgathian cell in eastern Hârn. Made with a steel blade, its bone hilt is from a femur of a sacrificed Peonian priest. The dagger is a consecrated Morgathian relic that instills within its wearer ana increasing compulsion to kill human prey. Covering the blade lessens the sensation but does not end it. One way to permanently obstruct the effect is to bury the dagger in ground consecrated by a cleric of another deity. Some members of the churches of Larani, Peoni, or Save-K’nor likely also know of ways to destroy this item. A person who has physical contact with the blade will need to initially test Will × 5 (Will × 4 unsheathed) or attempt to kill a human. A retest is needed for each time the relic is touched or every 13 days until the person has successfully resisted twice in a row.
KA-BAR 1218 serrated edge fighting knife
Requisite Skill: W.P. Knife
Weight: 0.7 lbs.
Overall Length: 11.9 inches
Effective Range: Hand-to-Hand
Damage: 1D6
Cost: $300
VS. Zombies: Not effective
Items Some Consider To Be Unnatural
"Hattori wakizashi (curved Japanese short sword)" by xxx,
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