Places of Note for

The Kaldor Chronicles

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Places of Note

Located in the eastern interior of Hârn, Kaldor is a feudal realm ruled by King Miginath Elendsa from his royal castle in Tashal. The king has always been sickly; his imminent death has been yearly predicted. After 27 years on the throne, the aged king continues to baffle his subjects simply by getting up each morning.

Tonot is the most northerly keep in Kaldor, a rugged, disorderly settlement at the southern terminus of Noron’s Way. The locals are hardy and self-sufficient folk accustomed to life at the edge of civilization. The keep was built in 200 by King Brant of Nurelia to secure his kingdom’s eastern borders and stem Taelda incursions. Sir Kaltric Arno was granted the keep when Kalabin of Kaldor annexed Nurelia. His descendants held Tonot until the Restoration, when they lost their lands for supporting the House of Orgael. King Aidrik III granted the barony to Clan Dariune, which held it for nearly 200 years. Tonot was promised to Clan Pierstel in exchange for their support during the Baronial Revolt of 599. Clan Pierstel has provided a long line of loyal vassals and the young men of Clan Dariune are usually fostered here to acquire the toughness of the northern frontier. Baron Uthris Pierstel rules from here.


Bekel is a small hamlet west of Tonot, on the northern edge of the Kingdom of Kaldor. The closest settlement is the unfortified abbey of Tefbry. This settlement is not overseen by a baron or an earl, but by the Church of Larani. Upon arriving, the PCs were accosted by the local Beadle (named Bailey) into spending the night, then moving along quickly to a hunting lodged owned by Desmond Kettlegold in the forest to the west.


Falkath is a small hamlet northwest of Tonot, on the northern edge of the Kingdom of Kaldor. The closest settlements are Ashena and Tomalla. The small hamlet of Gratima lies to the west. All of Falkath’s buildings are wood or wattle and daub with thatched roofs. Upon arrival, the PCs were entreated by the village bailiff, Sir Mayald Vobenor, to help in finding a missing boy.


Tonot is the most northerly keep in Kaldor, a rugged, disorderly settlement at the southern terminus of Noron’s Way. The locals are hardy and self-sufficient folk accustomed to life at the edge of civilization. The keep was built in 200 by King Brant of Nurelia to secure his kingdom’s eastern borders and stem Taelda incursions. Sir Kaltric Arno was granted the keep when Kalabin of Kaldor annexed Nurelia. His descendants held Tonot until the Restoration, when they lost their lands for supporting the House of Orgael. King Aidrik III granted the barony to Clan Dariune, which held it for nearly 200 years. Tonot was promised to Clan Pierstel in exchange for their support during the Baronial Revolt of 599. Clan Pierstel has provided a long line of loyal vassals and the young men of Clan Dariune are usually fostered here to acquire the toughness of the northern frontier. Baron Uthris Pierstel is a renowned warrior who enjoys hunting and fighting. The baron maintains a garrison of two companies: one light and one medium foot. Men of the sword find a warm welcome and an active life here. The PCs were ordered by the Baron to assist in finding a mercenary named Dafyd, who was implicated in an attempted murder. He was brought to justice after being tracked down in gargun territory, just east of the Shem River.


Yaltak is a fortified abbey for the followers of the Larani, the Lady of Paladins. The Reblena of Yaltako, Lord Houla, summoned the PCs to give them a stern warning about bloodshed in and around the abbey, when the party welcomed an escaped slave prostitute named Marilyn of Tyne, currently owned by a rough man named Earny of Smesel. Regardless of the warning made by Lord Houla, the party challenged Earny to a duel, double-crossed him, then killed him and his two henchmen in the woods north of the settlement.

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