Player Characters of
The Kaldor Chronicles
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Player Characters
The main function of this campaign is a plot-driven story line with character just trying to survive the harsh environment when away from civilization. At the outset of the campaign, each player will start with one character. All players will roll randomly on the background charts for up to three opportunities to determine which path their character might take. Disadvantages for additional points will also be rolled, but once dice are tossed, the results are final. Humans are highly recommended as Kaldor is not known for its non-human folk; save this for when playing Dungeons and Dragons. Unlike other level-based campaigns, a level "floor" is unavailable as skill increases stem from actual game play.
Celene of Serdica [Carol]
Human female farmer with a mushroom addiction and pyrophobia
a novice scout who loves explore
Jonathan Hemlock of Bidow [Jason]
Human male mercantyler with pyrophobia
shrewd with numbers, but silver-tongued in persuasion
Leilani of Orenda [Leigh #1]
Human female beggar with kleptomania
everything she steals goes to "The Patch", currently missing
Lemmywinks of Chym [Brett]
Human male toymaker
very talented but can be eccentric, often blamed for Leilani's antics, thought to be dead
Francis Todd Light of Tonot [Tommy #2]
Human male miller with sex mania
creates craft mead in the off-season, devastating with a pike
Lilibeth of Xendume [Leigh #2]
Human female fisherwoman
first woman of Tonot enter into the Fishermen Guild, deadly with a bow
Lucian of Tonot [Joe]
Human male weapons maker
every soldier in northern Kaldor knows of his skill in crafting the perfect weapon for them
Atilius Merek [James B.]
Human male gladiator with ballistophobia
his arena name is Marcus of the Wigsplitter
Ingrid Moldable [Kelli]
Human female Viking with kleptomania
a former spear maiden taken from home, fearless in battle
Sir Harcourt Fenton Mudd [James D.]
Human male knight, left-handed with a fear of magic
Alorotom is an associate of Bilar Saglot, and joined the Silver Blades after he was freed to bugbear capture.
Satia-Mavari Ondarn [Tommy]
Human male shek-pvar with albinism
shunned by his farmer family, he returned to Kaldor a master of magic
Jack Ravensworth [Mike]
Human male pimp with colorblindness
with his girl Cinnamon, he looks to collect secrets as well as coin
Sir Arsen Stury of Jedes [Brad]
Human male knight with bulimia & sex mania
bulimia & sex mania; a stalwart companion for Sir Harcourt with an even temper
Celene of Serdica by Joana Rita Gomes, Jonathan Hemlock of Bidow by Tommaso Galmacci, Leilani of Orenda by Sasha Leafz, Lemmywinks of Chym by Tommaso Galmacci, Francis Todd Light of Tonot by Tommaso Galmacci, Lilibeth of Xendume by Sasha Leafz, Lucian of Tonot by Tommaso Galmacci, Atilius Merek by Tommaso Galmacci, Ingrid Moldable by Tommaso Galmacci, Sir Harcourt Fenton Mudd by Tommaso Galmacci, Satia-Mavari Ondarn by Tommaso Galmacci, Jack Ravensworth by Tommaso Galmacci, Sir Arsen Stury of Jedes by Tommaso Galmacci